Wir sind eine der grössten Patentanwaltskanzleien der Schweiz, mit derzeit zehn zur Vertretung beim Schweizer und Europäischen Patentamt zugelassenen Patentanwälten/-innen (von denen einer auch die Patentanwaltsprüfung in Deutschland absolviert hat) sowie drei weiteren Patentanwälten/-innen in Ausbildung. Überdies gehören noch zwei Juristen zu unserem Team (Stand: Januar 2018).
Grösse ist zwar kein Wert an sich, aber sie hilft uns: Wir können Sie kompetent auf allen technischen Gebieten beraten und nötigenfalls auch eine Vielzahl komplexer Aufträge gleichzeitig bearbeiten. Die Arbeit mit Immaterialgüterrechten ist uns somit keine Last, sondern eine Freude. Und wir sind davon überzeugt, dass das auch auf Ihrer Seite so sein sollte!
Was wir dafür tun?
Wir beantworten nicht (nur) die Fragen, die Sie uns gestellt haben, sondern (auch) diejenigen, die Sie uns hätten stellen sollen.
Sie wollen keine Beschreibung des Problems, sondern konkrete Lösungsvorschläge.
Wir zeigen Ihnen mögliche Handlungsoptionen mit den jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen auf und geben Ihnen somit eine solide Entscheidungsgrundlage. Denn wir finden, dass Sie stets wissen sollten, worauf Sie sich einlassen.
Natürlich lassen sich in der Praxis die wenigsten patentrechtlichen und juristischen Fragestellungen absolut eindeutig beurteilen.
Aber wir haben aufgrund unserer Erfahrung eine Meinung, und die sagen wir Ihnen.
Der juristische Sprachgebrauch ist oft gewöhnungsbedürftig. Aber wir wollen, dass Sie uns verstehen. Erwarten Sie daher Klartext. Sollte dennoch einmal etwas unklar bleiben, so geben wir Ihnen stets gerne auch telefonisch weitere Erläuterungen.
Gerne überlassen wir es anderen, das zu beurteilen:
"With 10 patent attorneys registered at the IPI and authorised to appear before the European Patent Office (EPO), Hepp Wenger Ryffel has the muscle to advise companies across the technological spectrum and makes light work of its prodigious workload. Within this, pharmaceutical and medical device mandates feature prominently; the railway industry is also fast becoming a rich source of instructions. A laser commercial focus and close client care characterise its service; a high priority is placed on face-to-face contact. Martin Wilming is an influential figure on the marketplace; he runs a popular patent litigation blog which reports on Federal Patent Court case law. EPO opposition and appeal proceedings are his bread and butter. Like Wilming, Andreas Welch knows all there is to know about organic chemistry; having worked for a large pharmaceutical entity, he has invaluable in-house experience. Christoph Müller, meanwhile, excels at devising uniquely tailored strategies for medical devices start-ups. When clients in the mechanical engineering field need someone to file their applications, and to do so with painstaking attention to detail, they reach out to the meticulous René Wenger. Wider marketing knowledge and exceptional foresight make him the full package."
(Source: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, iam 1000, 2017 edition)
"The joint-highest number of attorneys recommended for prosecution in the IAM Patent 1000 bears testament to the depth of the bench at Hepp Wenger Ryffel. Creative yet logical patenting advice is a hallmark of the crew, which is never afraid to put itself out there and provide a gut feel to clients; many other patent attorney outfits are considered less commercial and more conservative. Christoph Müller is the resident medical technology guru, although his technical proficiency spans all facets of mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as information technology. The seasoned coordinator of international patent litigation wins plaudits for his ability to 'get to the point and present arguments in a well-ordered and easily understood way'. Having spent his career in the world of precision engineering, René Wenger applies exceptional rigour to his prosecution, litigation and licensing work. Chemistry affairs are deftly handled by Martin Wilming and Andreas Welch. Wilming blogs extensively on Federal Patent Court case law, so it is easy to see just how extensive and up to date his knowledge is. Having spent many years in-house, he knows what his clients are looking for and is skilled enough to deliver it for the most demanding of them."
(Quelle: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, iam 1000, Ausgabe 2016)
"This innovative prosecution boutique «interacts very well with lawyers. Its attorneys have a great understanding of procedural aspects and communicate well in court. Working with them is a breeze; they are straightforward and effective.» Try as they might, rivals find it «impossible to win clients off Hepp, particularly for pharmaceutical work.» His flair for the smooth coordination of complex cross-border litigation makes Christoph Müller a perennial favourite, in particular among a variety of medical technology enterprises. Formerly employed at a large drug company, Andreas Welch knows exactly what businesses in this sector need and how to get it; while Martin Wilming is a dab hand at EPO appeals and oppositions. Mechanical engineer and marketing authority René Wenger rounds out the set with an unerring instinct for how best to craft winning patent applications."
(Quelle: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, iam 1000, Ausgabe 2015)
"The largest boutique by headcount in the east of Switzerland, Hepp Wenger Ryffel AG is by some distance the frontrunner in the region. A forward-thinking attitude allows it to answer the questions which should be asked even before they are posed. «It has a worldwide platform and companies come away with positive impressions.» Christoph Müller «should be highlighted for his work in the mechanical field», while Andreas Welch is «singled out for his insider knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry». Intimately familiar with the workings of the EPO, Martin Wilming is gaining prominence in this area. The esteemed René Wenger is a doyen of patent prosecution."
(Quelle: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, iam 1000, Ausgabe 2014)
"Prosecution boutique Hepp Wenger Ryffel AG provides a fantastic offering from its site in Wil. It is a magnet for attorneys at law seeking the assistance of patent attorneys, and many of its key relationships have spanned decades. Singled out for praise among the top-class team are Christoph Müller and René Wenger – «knowledgeable, quick thinkers with an instinctive feeling for the cases they are handling». Together, their professionalism and diligence command a «first-rate impression»."
(Quelle: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, iam 1000, Ausgabe 2013)
"Frequently named among the country’s leading prosecution groups, Hepp Wenger Ryffel fields an extremely strong set of specialists. It is applauded for «understanding exactly what the client wants and needs, and delving into the finer details of intricate issues to establish the best course of action.» Its pharmaceuticals and biotechnology output is prodigious, but it has the capacity to handle instructions from numerous other sectors."
(Quelle: The World's Leading Patent Practitioners, iam 1000, Ausgabe 2012)