Our case administrators are highly qualified, identify with our clients’ requirements and have a great deal of detailed knowledge about the cases with which they deal. They take the administrative burden off our patent attorneys and lawyers and ensure that everything runs smoothly.
We are proud of our staff and don’t hide them in the back office. Here they are, and they will be happy to help you:
Patents |
ARIFI, Maemira |
maemira.arifi@hepp.ch | |
nadine.betschart@hepp.ch | |
BOENI-KISSLING, Martina (Paralegal ZHAW) |
CIANCIARULO, Pina (Paralegal ZHAW) |
ROHNER, Anita |
RÜEGG, Erika |
SALLIN, Daniela |
SCHWAGER, Carina (Paralegal ZHAW) |
Trademarks, Designs |
MÄCHLER, Corinne (Paralegal ZHAW) |
Annuities |
BECKER, Ombéline (IP Paralegal ZHAW) |
KELLER, Lilliane |
Accounting |
ONCINS-WILD, Barbara |
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