A great deal of information about intellectual property rights is freely available on the Internet – it is just that it is sometimes difficult to find. Below, we have gathered for you a selection of the most frequently required sources of information:
IGE (Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property)
EPA (European Patent Office)
DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office)
WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)
EUIPO (EU Intellectual Property Office)
USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office)
JPO (Japanese Patent Office, with an English search engine)
DEPATISnet (provided by the DPMA; international database)
Espacenet (provided by the EPO; international database)
Patentscope (provided by the WIPO for international applications pursuant to the PCT)
Google Patents (only US documents)
FPO (Free Patents Online)
ROMARIN (search engine for international trademarks at the WIPO)
Hague Express Database (search engine for international designs at the WIPO)
Search engine for US trademarks at the USPTO
Central index of companies of Switzerland
Swissreg (Register of the Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property)
DPMAregister (Register of the German Patent and Trademark Office)
PAIR (Information on patent applications at the US Patent and Trademark Office)
Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office
Swiss Federal Patent Court
Commentary in English on all published decisions: www.patentlitigation.ch
Swiss Federal Administrative Court
German Federal Court of Justice
Publication server of the EPO (only EP documents)
poxoq (download of international patent documents)
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