Thomas Grob’s main areas of activity are the preparation of patent applications in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanics and communications technology, and the management of international grant, opposition and appeal proceedings. His many years of experience in industry mean that he understands clients’ concerns and offers practical advice.
Thomas Grob has assisted as co-author on the Patentrechtskommentar (Patent law commentary) by Fitzner/Lutz/Bodewig.
Thomas Grob studied electrical engineering with a specialism in communications technology and high-frequency technology at the Federal Technical University (ETH) of Zurich. For 14 years he worked for an international industrial firm in various areas such as development, sales and patent law. During that period he completed postgraduate studies in intellectual property at the Federal Technical University (ETH) of Zurich. In 2007, Thomas Grob moved to Hepp Wenger Ryffel AG. He is a European and Swiss Patent Attorney.
Thomas Grob is a member of the Association of Swiss Patent Attorneys, registered at the European Patent Office (VESPA), and of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi).
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