Christoph Müller has been a partner at Hepp Wenger Ryffel since 2003. He advises clients in all aspects of intellectual property. His area of work includes conducting patent grant procedures, representation in opposition and appeal proceedings at the European Patent Office, and preparing expert reports in relation to patent infringement and legal validity. In addition to advising and representing clients in patent litigation matters in Switzerland, Christoph Müller has many years of experience in coordinating patent litigation in other jurisdictions, including in Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA. He is also active in the field of trademark law and reviews and drafts technology-related agreements such as licensing or distribution agreements. Christoph Müller’s main technological focus is in the field of medical technology, in which inter alia he represents and advises many start-up firms. In addition, he acts for national and international clients in the fields of mechanical engineering, optics, electrical engineering and information technology.
Christoph Müller is a part-time judge at the Swiss Federal Patent Court. He is one of the authors of the Patentrechtskommentar (Patent law commentary) by Fitzner/Lutz/Bodewig, assisted on the Swiss contribution to the 2nd edition of Der internationale Softwarevertrag (The international software agreement) by Ullrich/Lejeune, and was for a long time a lecturer on the CEIPI Basic Training Course in European patent law.
Christoph Müller completed his studies in physics at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 1993. After gaining initial professional experience at an international medical technology firm, he joined Hepp Wenger Ryffel in 1995 as a trainee patent attorney. He is a European and Swiss Patent Attorney.
Christoph Müller is a member of FICPI, INGRES, LES, VESPA and VSP. He enjoys spending his free time kayaking, mountain-biking or skiing in the mountains.